
三位心理学、社工、社会学背景的留学生/职业青年分享关于心理健康、个人成长、海外生活真实的感受和反思。我们希望我们坦诚的分享可以引起你的共鸣。我们的目标是帮助消除对于谈论心理健康问题的顾虑和负担,让这样的讨论变得自然而有趣。我们相信通过更深地认识自己,可以收获更自由和广阔的人生。  不论你曾经经历什么,正在经历什么,我们都想成为你的啦啦队,陪伴你与你同行。我们也希望你成为自己的鼓励者,肯定你自己,温柔爱护你自己。 

Three students/professionals sharing about mental health, personal growth, and living abroad. We hope our sharing will resonate with you and make you feel less alone. Our goal is to destigmatize mental health illnesses, make them normal and fun. No matter what you have been through and what you are going through right now, we would like to be your cheerleaders and walk alongside you. We also hope you become your own cheerleader and encourager.